Asian Princess

Friday, January 05, 2007

The Bet

Okay...we are coming up with the latest plan.

Bad Jimmy, Bad Apple, Duran Duran Nat, and Asian Princess....

....$50 each person

Challenge: Monday 12:01 a.m. - Saturday 8 p.m. no drinking

Who will win? Who will lose? Can we do it?

Stay tune

There are now side bets going on to see who will lose first. Contact Trey or Corey for more information.

Day -1: Saturday night, the last real night to party down. Bad Apple got snockered at the Keevers playing beer pong. Amazingly Bad Jimmy had only 1 beer playing poker (or is it Poke Her). Nat had a headache so I had to be good (yes, it's sickening).

Day 0: Sunday, Bad Jimmy went to Pluckers around noonish to watch the game. When I got there around 3, he was still Beecher. We had our yummy Pluckers wings and Pluckers lemonade (super sized me pls) together. Sleazy joined us and helped me out with some marketing pointers for the restaurant. Next thing I know, Trey came to hang with Bad Jimmy followed by Bad Apple and Jerry Guy. The funny thing is that Apple was designated driver yesterday because Jerry Guy wanted to drink. LOL He still managed to do a few shots and a couple of xtra large beers. I was semi good and left before 11. Of course I had to get in good with the bartender, Mike, to make sure I got a spy to catch Bad Jimmy drinking after midnight. Net net, nobody drank after midnight.

Day 1: Woke up to a fresh start. No word from Apple at all. I think he's scared. Bad Jimmy called to say he was safe from last night of evilness. (mention something about the best boobies he ever touch, tmi). It was a rough hard day at work dealing with normal work tasks and preparing for the opening. Got a sms from Corey at 6:25 p.m. "After a long day out, this cold beer sure does feel good going down!" What a friend! butt Found out that he's betting for me to lose first. Went to the restaurant to meet people from the Chronicle. First temptation, the guy across from me had an icy gel Harbin (my fav beer). I held my ground and drank ice tea. 2nd temptation that I almost fell for was from Nat. As I was closing out, he came in the office with a bottle of openned Harbin saying that it was accidentally opened. I was about to take it when I realized that it was a trick. Trey ended up drinking it. bunch of tricky peeps.

Off to a not sooo good start

It's the first week of New Year and I'm not doing that well.

It always start off so innocently. I went to a business meeting to discuss marketing for the restaurant. Then I decided to go meet up with the hash for the full moon at Keevers. One thing led to another and Bad Apple and Bad Jimmy persuade the Asian to go to Raggedy Ass. You know it's a real bad night when Apple decides to be responsible and go home by 11ish. However, it could be worse. I didn't close the bar down.

Maybe Bad Jimmy is right. I need to stay away from the "bad" environment such as Bad Jimmy, Bad Apple, Bad Trey, Bad Peter, Bad Corey, etc. Hey wait a minute. These are all men. Maybe that's it. I need to hang out with more chicks. hmmm Will Jerri Girl be good for me?

There's always next week to be good :-P

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

To 2007!

Here we go
Here we go
Here we go!

I can feel it. It's going to be a great year for all of us. The question is..can Marisa be good? One of my NY resolution is to be healthier and not party so much. Can it be?
(Fine Print: It's 1/3/07 and I haven't stopped yet maybe start today?)

What's your resolution(s)?

Happy new year!

Love you guys.